It have far more wallpapers,far more Just cost two price of the themes can get three themes !
Galaxy S Theme Plus v1.5
Characteristics : 
GalaxyS Theme Plus It includes themes, Sweetheart GalaxyS ,Mysterious GalaxyS
GalaxyS Theme Pro three (three) Nice wallpaper backgrounds, three (three) App Drawer backgrunds and 3 (3) Dock backgrounds to decide on from the GalaxyS Theme Plus Docks.
About 70 amazing icons, covers the main apps of the telephone such as dial, SMS, email,facebook,twitter and so on
Wants latest version of GO Launcher EX installed to apply the theme. This APP is free and offered throught Android Marketplace.
Effects Settings
- In GO Launcher EX press the telephone menu button
- Choose "Preferences choice"
- Select "Effects selection" 
- Pick "Desk Transition effect" (anyone)
- Pick "Enetr/Exit transition impact" (anyone)
- Pick "Icon impact" (anyone)
- Appreciate!
- In GO Launcher EX press the telephone menu button
- Choose "Preferences alternative"
- Select "Theme alternative"
- Select "Background choice"
- Pick "GO Launcher EX "
- In GO Launcher EX press the telephone menu button
- Choose "Preferences selection"
- Select "Theme choice"
- Choose "docks background selection"
- Choose "GO Launcher EX "
- In GO Launcher EX press the phone menu button
- Pick the Preferences alternative
- Pick the Sophisticated Settings option
- Pick the Scan Font selection
- Choose the FONT alternative and Choose the Chantelli [Theme Glass GO launcher EX]
Necessary Android O/S : 1.six+
Screenshots :
Screenshots :
Download : 3.3Mb APK
Title: Galaxy S Theme Plus v1.5 apk
Rating: 910109 Votes
Rating: 910109 Votes
Posted by:
Admin Updated at: 4:48 PM
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